Thursday, November 29, 2007
Massachusetts Spanking Bill HOUSE....... No. 3922 - TEXT
HOUSE....... No. 3922
By Mr. Kaufman of Lexington (by request), petition of Kathleen Wolf for legislation to prohibit the corporal punishment of children. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the Year Two Thousand and Seven.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
1 Chapter 119 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2004 Offi2
cial Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after Section 51B, a 3 new Section 51B½, as follows:— 4 Section 51B½. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT OF CHILDREN IS 5 PROHIBITED. Corporal Punishment of children violates their rights 6 to safe, secure and respectful care. 7 This section is intended to actively support nonviolent parenting. 8 The provisions of this section are intended to eliminate the use of 9 corporal punishment to discipline children, because of the emotional 10 harm and risks of bodily harm associated with corporal punishment 11 of children. 12 The provisions of this section shall not preclude any adult from 13 using incidental or minor physical contact designed to maintain 14 order and control, or other discipline which does not constitute cor15
poral punishment. 16 (a) For the purposes of this section, the following words shall, 17 unless the context indicates otherwise, have the following mean18
ings:— 19 “Child”, any person under eighteen years of age. 20 “Corporal punishment”, the willful infliction of physical pain or 21 injurious or humiliating treatment. 22 (b) It shall be unlawful in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 23 for any adult to inflict corporal punishment upon a child.
2 HOUSE — No. 3922 [January 2007]
24 (c) The infliction of corporal punishment on a child may be a 25 basis for a finding of abuse and neglect. 26 (d) The provisions of this section shall not preclude any adult 27 from using such reasonable force as is necessary to protect himself 28 and others from imminent, serious, physical harm, including assault 29 by a child, to divest a child of a dangerous instrument, to prevent 30 injury to property, or to remove a child from a life-threatening or 31 injurious situation.
This Document Has Been Printed On 100% Recycled Paper.
Corporal Punishment Legislation in Massachusetts
According to Kerri Madru of CBS affiliate THV, the bill cannot be up for official debate until next year since the legislative session has already ended in Massachusetts.
When any action is taken on the bill it should be listed here.
As you may have heard a legislator in Massachusetts is proposing a ban on corporal punishment which actually goes beyond even the most generous definition of the phrase. This bill would make "the willful infliction of physical pain or injurious or humiliating treatment" against the law in Massachusetts. There is no doubt that this will include spanking but who knows how anyone such as a social worker or judge could define "humiliating treatment".
According to HSLDA, a group of attorneys who are fighting the bill, "Representative Jay Kaufmann has introduced an act--House Bill 3922--to
prohibit corporal punishment. The bill is scheduled for a hearing
TOMORROW, Wednesday November 28, in the Committee on Children,
Families and Persons with Disabilities. The bill would make it
unlawful for parents to use corporal discipline in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. It would also create a presumption that any spanking is
child abuse and neglect."
Watch this topic being discussed tonight on MSNBC national television and tomorrow morning on FOX stations.
Go here for action steps to take.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Massachusetts Spanking Bill
prohibit corporal punishment. The bill is scheduled for a hearing
TOMORROW, Wednesday November 28, in the Committee on Children,
Families and Persons with Disabilities. The bill would make it
unlawful for parents to use corporal discipline in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. It would also create a presumption that any spanking is
child abuse and neglect."
Watch this topic being discussed tonight on MSNBC national television and tomorrow morning on FOX stations.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
SB 777 Does NOT Affect Most Private Schools In California
SB 777 Does Not affect most private schools in California and does not affect most private home schools. For technical details read SB 777 – Private Schools & Private Home Schools. Most privately homeschooling families in California don't have a thing to worry about with the signing of SB 777 (2007). Read the analysis that was written "in consultation with attorneys at the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)." You'll find details about what SB 777 does and who should be concerned with the bill. Download the PDF version of this paper.
SB 777 has been a topic of great discussion over the past several days in relation to "nondiscrimination" issues for homosexuals. THIS IS A BAD BILL! Make no mistake about it. It will adversely affect all public schools in California and all schools that have certain government funding. Read "Ban on 'Mom' and 'Dad' sparks call for exodus" for more details.
Those who privately homeschool in California are almost all sure to be safe from this legislation. For information on how to homeschool legally in California visit
Friday, June 08, 2007
AB 755 - Anti-Spanking Bill Defeated
The anti-spanking bill proposed by California State Assemblymember Sally Lieber was stopped in the Assembly Appropriations committee on Friday, June 1st 2007. The bill (AB 755) must remain dormant until later this session when it has another chance to move forward again in January of 2008. It can be passed out of the Assembly at that time and move on to the Senate.
Praise God that this bill was stopped!
Be aware that AB 755 can move forward later this session but is stopped for now.
Three Ways Sally Lieber's Anti-Spanking Bill Can Move Forward
- The language from this bill can be amended into another bill that is currently active and moving through the legislature.
- The language can be put into a new piece of legislation and introduced as a new bill as early as the beginning of the second half of this legislative session. This could also happen at the start of the next legislative session which starts in December 2008.
- AB 755 can move forward itself in the second half of this legislative session if it gets out of the Assembly by the end of January of 2008.
Detailed information on this bill can be found at: Child and Family Protection
Thursday, May 17, 2007
New Zealand Outlaws Spanking
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
AB 755 Prohibition of Spanking - Newsflash
***** ***** ***** *****
From: Roy Hanson’s Child and Family Protection Association and HSLDA
***** ***** ***** *****
Bill: AB 755 – Prohibition of Spanking
Author: Assembly Member Sally Lieber
Position: Strongly Oppose
Status: In Assembly
***** ***** ***** *****
This is an UPDATE to our previous, April 11, 2007, Action Alert regarding Assembly Member Sally Lieber's "Prohibition of Spanking" bill, AB 755.
AB 755 continues to move through the Legislature. AB 755 was amended and passed by the Assembly Public Safety Committee on April 17th. AB 755 is still a very dangerous bill for parents throughout California.
AB 755 would have the practical effect of making a non-injurious spanking with an object such as a ruler, folded newspaper, paddle, etc. illegal. After being arrested, charged, and tried in a criminal court, parents could receive up to one year in jail and lose custody of their children.
We updated our "AB 755 - Action Alert" and our 4-page backgrounder, "AB 755 – Updated Alert Supplement" on April 24, 2007. Both the Updated Alert and the Updated Alert Supplement are posted at and
These two documents are designed to help every concerned parent: 1) to understand this bill and its implications for every family in California and the nation, and 2) to be able to present the most effective reasons why such a bill should not be passed by the Legislature.
AB 755 is an incremental step toward the outlawing of all spanking, which the author has publicly stated is her ultimate goal.
We will be issuing another Action Alert by e-mail on AB 755 within the next several weeks, just before AB 755 is sent to the Assembly Floor for a full vote by every Assembly Member. We are continuing to monitor AB 755 daily, as we do with all legislation.
***** ***** ***** *****
Permission given to reprint or forward this Newsflash unaltered to your friends, church, school, and group.
***** ***** ***** *****
Roy Hanson's HELP Tree
Child and Family Protection Association
P.O. Box 730
Lincoln, CA 95648-0730
Fax: (916) 415-9470
HELP Tree Director
P.O. Box 100
Somerset, CA 95684-0100
Fax: (530) 622-4717
***** ***** ***** *****
The purpose of this communication is to present information and express our position on the issues addressed. We encourage you to research this for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Regardless of your position, we strongly urge you to exercise your constitutional right to express your position to your elected representatives. We have included an example of how we have expressed our position.
***** ***** ***** *****
DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for the accuracy of copies printed, forwarded, or sent by any party other than directly from Child and Family Protection Association.
***** ***** ***** *****
SB 392 Seeks To Lower Compulsory Education Age In Oregon
OCEANetwork Alert and Information Email Service
Serving the needs and protecting the rights
of home educators since 1986
"Home education is private education."
================ OCEANetwork Political Action Alert ================
Subject: The situation has changed on SB 392
We have reason to believe that some members of the House Subcommittee on Education Innovation have real concerns about lowering the compulsory attendance age, enough members to maybe kill the bill. So that is what we are going to try for.
Pray. E-mail the Subcommittee again. Come to the hearing.
Full alert:
Please pray.
Email the Subcommittee members asking them to kill SB 392A because it would hurt 6-year-olds who are not mature enough for formal education. If you are a constituent of one of the members, please call them (letting them know you live in their district). If you have written or called before, you need to do it again with your new message – do not pass SB 392. Use your own words, be brief, and be polite.
If you can, please be there at the hearing 1 p.m., Thursday, May 3, Hearing Room D. Numbers will count.
Thank you for spending more time on this issue. We are hopeful that we will be able to kill this bill in committee.
Rodger Williams
OCEANetwork Legislative Coordinator
House Education Innovation Subcommittee Members:
Note: You can find out who your Representative is at
Betty Komp (D), Chair
House District 22 (I-5 from Woodburn to north Salem)
District map:
Karen Minnis (R), Vice-Chair
House District 49 (Fairview)
District map:
(Rep. Minnis is a strong supporter of home education.)
Arnie Roblan (D), Vice-Chair
House District 9 (Coos Bay to Florence)
District map:
Peter Buckley (D) (Chair of the House Education Committee)
House District 5 (Phoenix, Talent, Ashland)
District map:
Ben Cannon (D)
House District 46 (Portland, eastside, from I-84 to south of Highway 26, between 48th & I-205)
District map:
John H Dallum (R)
House District 59 (Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Jefferson & Wheeler counties)
District map:
(Rep. Dallum is a strong supporter of home education.)
Gene Whisnant (R)
House District 53 (Deschutes county, excluding Bend)
District map:
(Rep. Whisnant is a strong supporter of home education.)
SB 329 has been introduced at the request of the Oregon Department of Education and is likely part of the bigger movement across the country to lower the compulsory attendance age.
Some of the problems with lowering the compulsory attendance are:
- Lowering the compulsory attendance age from 7 to 6 would subject Oregon home educators to the requirements of the homeschool laws one year earlier. Homeschool parents would be required to submit the notice of intent to their local ESD one year earlier than they do now.
- Additionally, the Oregon Department of Education could possibly change the definition of when the "first year" begins for testing purposes from 7 on September 1 to 6 on September 1, effectively requiring parents to test in grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 a year earlier than they do now. (You do not need to share this reason with your legislators.)
- Many education experts have concluded that beginning a child's formal education too early may actually result in burnout and poor scholastic performance later.
- Lowering the compulsory attendance age erodes the authority of parents who are in the best position to determine when their child's formal education should begin.
- It would restrict parents' freedom to decide if their children are ready for school.
- Another significant impact of expanding the compulsory attendance age would be an inevitable tax increase to pay for more classroom space and teachers to accommodate the additional students compelled to attend public schools.
If you know an Oregon home educating friend who would be interested in this
topic, please pass this message along.
You can subscribe directly to the free OCEANetwork Alert and Information E-mail
Service at
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
California Spanking Bill AB 755 Amended In Assembly, Still A Threat To Families
Take Action!
Fresno School Allows "Transgender" Girl To Run For Prom King
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - When school officials announce the name of the Fresno High School prom king on Saturday, Cinthia Covarrubias will be wearing a tuxedo just like the six boys vying for the honor.
School officials this week added the 17-year-old's name to the ballot for prom king, reversing a previous district protocol that allowed only males to run for king and females for prom queen.
What Next?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
AB 755 Would Ban Spanking With an Implement
This Bill Is Still A Threat!!
I am concerned that people are not more aware and concerned about California's AB 755. Folks are getting conflicting messages about this bill. Some of the media is putting out the message that the bill has been fixed and no longer deals with spanking while the truth is the opposite.
For all intents and purposes, AB 755 would make spanking with a spoon or paddle illegal. The ACLU testified to this fact in the hearing last week (Tuesday, April 17th, 2007).
The author of this bill, Assembly Member Sally Lieber, is the Speaker Pro Tempore of the California State Assembly. This is the 2nd in command position in the Assembly so she has quite a bit of clout and sway in the legislature. It is Sally Lieber's claim that AB 755 does not deal with spanking and that good parents should not have any concerns with the bill. The truth is that she believes that "good parents" don't spank their children. She has stated that it is her goal to outlaw all spanking in California. She is using this bill to move California in that direction. Her claim to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety was that AB 755 was not a spanking bill. This is not true because in affect, AB 755 will cause loving parents to be accused, arrested and tried for child abuse for simply spanking their children with a spoon or ruler or any other implement commonly used in appropriate and loving discipline.
There is no age limit on this bill. No matter if your child is 5 or 15, the government is telling you how to discipline them, or more specifically, how not to.
Call your California State legislators (both Assembly and Senate) and tell them to vote no on AB 755.
January 18, 2007
Sally Lieber Initial Press Release
February 20, 2007
Lieber Press Conference
February 22, 2007
AB 755 Introduced
April 17, 2007
Heard in Assembly Public Safety and Passed as Amended
For More Information See:
Bulb Banning Bill Moves Forward
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Anti-Spanking Bill AB 755 Moves Forward
SF Chronicle Story
CCF Press Release
Child And Family Protection Association - Background Information on AB 755 Prohibition of Spanking
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Americans Fear Corruption if Hillary Wins
This is linked to various scandals involving the Clintons including Whitewater, Lewinsky, Vince Foster Suicide, and others. The presidency of Bill Clinton set some records in this regard.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Tidbit on the Healthcare Spending of Starbucks
Priority Magazine, January/February 2007, Page 11
Doesn't this say something about our culture? Our culture encourages individuals to give over their decision making in regards to health and retirement to their employers rather than take that responsibility into their own hands. Pretty soon it will be against the law to handle these kinds of things on your own.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
God's Word On Spanking
Iran releases 15 British navy crew
Iran has pardoned and released the 15 British military personnel seized in the Gulf 12 days ago. At the conclusion of a rambling two-hour speech, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the move was an Easter present to the British people.
After decorating members of the Iranian coast guard that captured the seven Royal Navy sailors and eight Royal Marines on March 23, Mr Ahmadinejad said he was prepared to forgive Britain for trespassing into Iranian territorial waters.
"This pardon is a gift to the British people," the President said, observing that it falls between the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad last weekend and the celebration of Easter.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Dr. John MacArthur Weighs in on California's Spanking Legislation Debate
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Polls On Spanking
A study done by ICR Market Research shows the steady hold of Americans since 1990 to the principle of spanking as a disciplinary tool. This study includes the above 2002 ABC News Poll
Do you approve or disapprove of spanking children?
Approve Disapprove No opin.
10/29/02 65 31 4
2/26/97* 65 32 3
4/22/90 65 25 10
9/4/46 74 24 2
Another question asked in the 2002 poll was "Do you ever spank your child/any of your children, or not? The numbers are: 50% Yes, 45% No.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Definition: Rebuttable Presumption
"An inference drawn from certain facts that establish a prima facie case, which may be overcome by the introduction of contrary evidence."
Getting Down To Facts - Education Report: California
The report was "designed to provide California's citizens with comprehensive information about the status of the state's school finance and governance systems. The overall hypothesis underlying this research project is that improvement to California's school finance and governance structures could enable its schools to be more effective." (Project Overview)
On Wednesday Pacific Research Institute published an article by K. Lloyd Billingsley looking at how different people and groups are responding to the report and paying careful attention to the CTA's position.
For the record: Desperate times for education
Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, March 19, 2007
Sacramento Bee
Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B4
Peter Schrag: More money! Fewer rules! Tastes great! Less filling!
By Peter Schrag -
Published 12:00 am PDT Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B7
Daniel Weintraub: Teachers union could block public school change
The Sacramento Bee
Published 12:00 am PDT Thursday, March 22, 2007
Story appeared in EDITORIALS section, Page B7
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: "How come Democrats and Republicans out here don't schmooze with each other?"
Schwarzenegger, citing his failed 2005 campaign to pass several Republican-leaning ballot initiatives, told press club members that he does not think he's perfect. "I contributed to the polarization," he said.
But he took a chiding tone with Washington lawmakers.
"All of this energy is being spent on bitterness, all of this energy is being spent on maneuvering," he said. "Imagine if that same energy were put into working together to build a consensus."
The key to his own success, he said, was his focus on building relationships. "In the courtyard of the state Capitol, I have a politically incorrect smoking tent," he said. "People come in, Democrats and Republicans, and they take off their jackets and they take off their ties, they smoke a stogie and they schmooze."
He had advice for everyone: Democrats should stop "running down" the president. Republicans, he said, should stop questioning the motives of Democrats who oppose the war in Iraq.
"To the president," he said, "I say get yourself a smoking tent."
Friday, February 23, 2007
Lieber Moves Forward With "No-Spank" Legislation
I would argue that it is safer to spank with an appropriately sized switch than to use your hand. Spanking with your hand has been known to cause spinal injuries in children, while the sting of a switch or flexible ruler does not carry the same weight and force so as to not cause such an injury. I propose that God knew what he was talking about when he commanded the use of a rod.
Lieber's California Spanking Bill Not Dropped
The bill, AB 755, would make it against the law to spank children with a paddle (no matter how small) or with any switch or rod of any kind. And, depending on what attorney you ask, the bill may outlaw spanking with the hand.
One thing the bill certainly does not do is protect spanking. It outlaws many types of spanking. Some people claim that since it does not specifically outlaw "spanking with the hand" in so many words it doesn't outlaw spanking.
To those saying that the spanking bill has been dropped I challenge you to read the bill for yourselves.
In California it is presently illegal for anyone but a parent or guardian to administer corporal punishment to a child. This bill could eliminate even that.
Sally Lieber's "No Spanking" Bill - Corporal Punishment Regulated
She clearly doesn't address "spanking" with an open hand but does address spanking with foreign objects. This bill will make it illegal to spank with a rod as commanded in scripture.
Here is an excerpt from the legislation that lists the things she is trying to keep parents from using to discipline their children - some are ridiculous and some are, I believe, commanded and appropriate for use in biblical discipline.
(1) The use of an implementation, including, but not limited to,
a stick, a rod, a switch, an electrical cord, an extension cord, a
belt, a broom, or a shoe.
(2) Throwing, kicking, burning, or cutting a child.
(3) Striking a child with a closed fist.
(4) Striking a child under the age of three on the face or head.
(5) Vigorous shaking of a child under the age of three.
(6) Interference with a child’s breathing.
(7) Threatening a child with a deadly weapon.
This bill is available from the California State Legislature website:
Download the PDF file of the bill introduced February 22, 2007.
Track the bill.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Latest News On Sally Lieber's No Spanking Bill Proposal In California - Moves Away From Spanking
Sally Lieber, a Democrat from Mountain View, California is a single woman who holds a powerful position in the State Capitol. She is the Speaker Pro Tempore of the California State Assembly.
You can view or download the PDF file of her HPV Vaccine bill or find the text of Lieber's "No Spank" bill if it is posted yet.
The Sacramento Bee published an article at 9:55 this morning that says Lieber will not be targeting spanking in her bill after all.
Assemblywoman Sally Lieber has abandoned her plans to push for a legislative prohibition on parents spanking their children under age 4.
Lieber, D-Mountain View, will introduce a bill Thursday morning that will target the use of physical force on children, but not spanking, an aide said.
The LA Times says that the bill proposed by Lieber which had been focused on spanking now is geared to regulating other aspects of family life.
Does this mean that the spanking bill is a no go after all or is it just going to have tricky wording? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Lieber To Introduce Spanking Bill Today Or Friday
Lieber first announced she would introduce such a bill back on January 17th. Back then her intention was to make it illegal for parents to spank their children 3 years of age and under. Now however, she has expanded the idea to include all children, not just 3 and under. Therefore, if the bill passes with the wording Lieber is proposing, it will be illegal in California for a parent to spank their child of any age for any reason.
According to the San Fransisco Chronicle, who spoke with Lieber yesterday, "The latest version will include shaking of an infant or toddler."
When Sally Lieber's spanking bill is introduced the language will be available here.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Merick Backs Away From Promoting The Requirement Of HPV Vaccine For Teenage Girls
But unlike a number of other diseases that US schoolchildren are required to be vaccinated against, HPV isn't an airborne virus that can spread easily in a group setting. Rather, it is sexually transmitted. Gardasil also stands apart ... -
Merck Backs Off on HPV Vaccine
By gooznews
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Merck has suspended its campaign to convince state legislatures to make its new human papillomavirus vaccine mandatory for pre-teen girls "in the face of a growing backlash among parents, ...
GoozNews -
Here is an excerpt from the WSJ article which is available, to subscribers only, here.
Merck Ends Lobbying For Cervical-Cancer VaccineBy John Carreyrou and Sarah RubensteinWord Count: 593 | Companies Featured in This Article: MerckMerck & Co. said it would stop lobbying states to pass laws requiring that preteen girls be vaccinated against cervical cancer in the face of a growing backlash among parents, physicians and consumer advocates.
Merck's aggressive lobbying campaign was intended to boost sales of its Gardasil vaccine, which received Food and Drug Administration approval last year. Gardasil provides protection against two strains of the human papillomavirus that are thought to cause the majority of cervical-cancer cases.
But, unlike a number of diseases against which U.S. schoolchildren are required to be vaccinated, HPV is not an airborne virus that can spread ...
Spotlight: Vice President Dick Cheney
Monday, February 19, 2007
Speculations on Post-Fidel Cuba
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Resolved To Better Myself
There are several scriptures which command study and self improvement.
2Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Prov. 1:5 A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel
Col. 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
1Pet. 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear
Prov. 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.
Prov. 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Prov. 16:16 How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Change To California Term Limits Would Aid Head Liberals
The initiative would change the limits from a set number of years in each house to a total number of years in the legislature allowing them to spend up to 12 years in a single house. According to the San Fransisco Chronicle:
The proposal, which supporters want to qualify for a vote during a February 2008 presidential primary, would allow lawmakers to serve six two-year terms in the Assembly or three four-year terms in the Senate, or a combination capped at 12 years of service. Under the current system, lawmakers can serve a total of 14 years, but are limited to three Assembly terms and two Senate terms.(San Fransisco Chronicle - Term-limits initiative proposed Friday, February 16, 2007)
The change may allow elected officials to be more effective since they may be in one place longer and less of their total time in office will be spent learning the ropes. Perhaps also it will, at least partially, bring back the concept of well seasoned legislators to the Capitol.
On the other hand, one might look at who is in office now and imagine who is going to be allowed to remain in office for 6 more years.
The change would allow Núñez to remain in his position of leadership in the Assembly for an additional 6 years rather than being forced to leave the post next year.
Says the Sacramento Bee "Núñez and Perata personally could benefit because incumbent lawmakers could remain in office past their current term-out dates -- until they hit the 12-year maximum." (link)
Term limits were introduced in California primarily because many people thought that seasoned incumbents had too much power. One LA Times editorial claims that "Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez, serving his last term, wants one more, so he is embracing redistricting reform to get it."
The California Report's John Myers says that "...the proposal encourages same-house service, not "seat jumpers.""
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Will California Have An Early Primary Next Year?
Schwarzenegger May Have Underestimated Costs His Healthcare Plan Says LAO By As Much As $3 Billion Dollars!
A Sacramento Bee story today mentioned that today was the first time the Governor's proposal was debated by the Senate Health Committee.
LAO's assesment of the plan concluded that it will cost the State of California somewhere between $150 M -$3,150 M or more.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Is There Civil War In Iraq?
Q Do you believe it's a civil war, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: I can only tell you what people on the ground, whose judgment -- it's hard for me, living in this beautiful White House, to give you an assessment, firsthand assessment. I haven't been there; you have, I haven't. But I do talk to people who are and people whose judgment I trust, and they would not qualify it as that. There are others who think it is. It is, however, a dangerous situation, thereby requiring action on my part.
Listen, I considered several options -- one, doing nothing, and that if you don't believe the situation was acceptable, then you should do something. And I didn't believe the situation was acceptable. Secondly, I could have listened to the advice of some and pulled back and hoped for the best. I felt that would be extraordinarily dangerous for this young democracy, that the violence in Baghdad could escalate mightily and then spill out across the country, creating chaos, vacuums into which extremism would flow; or make the decision I made, which is to reinforce the troops that were on the ground, to help this Iraqi government and security force do what they're supposed to do.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Brown Wavers Again: Jerry Brown Proves Consistent Inconsistency
Mitt Romney Officially Enters Presidential Race For 2008
Romney said "I do not believe Washington can be transformed from within by a lifelong politician."
North Korea Agrees to Disarm, Put Down Their Weapons
In exchange the country will receive "economic, energy and humanitarian assistance up to the equivalent of 1 million tons of heavy fuel oil."
Is this just another ploy to delay the foreign powers and get more aid or will this disarmament really occur? Only time will tell I suppose and perhaps we will not know for some time. North Korea says they will seal off their primary nuclear reactor but will this happen or will they delay having inspectors like in Iraq?
I'm not buying this just yet.
Biblical Child Training and Resources For Scriptural Corporal Punishment - Pro Spanking Arguments
To Train Up A Child - by Michael & Debi Pearl Get it on Amazon
Shepherding a Child's Heart – by Ted Tripp Get it on Amazon
Spanking: How (and How Not) to Spank
Bible-Based Guidelines for Christian Parents and Others
(c) 2002, 2005 Doug Britton
Corporal Punishment (spanking) is strongly supported by God in the Bible
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Scriptural case for spanking
If you know of any other resources for Bible based child training please let me know so I can add them to this list for the benefit of others. –Thank You
Monday, February 12, 2007
John Locke on Fortitude and Courage
Courage, that makes us bear up against dangers that we fear and evils that we feel, is of great use in an estate, as ours is in this life, expos'd [sic] to assaults on all hands" and therefore it is very advisable to get children into this armour [sic] as early as we can.
. . .
True fortitude, I take to be the quiet possession of a man's self, and an undisturb'd [sic] doing his duty, whatever evil besets, or danger lies in his way.
- John Locke in his Thoughts on Education
Historic Tensions Mount With Renewed Vigor
We Are Not Finished In Iraq
We started a job in Iraq and we aren't finished yet. We've got a lot still to do in Iraq, but we've got to have the faith of the American people, and we have got to have the energy and the hope and the support of our Iraqi allies.
Here is a sad story giving an idea of how bad things are in Iraq. Does this story make you want to give up and go home? Does it make you want to leave those suffering to the demise of cold-blooded terrorists? I say let us go in with strength and come out with victory. We can do this. We must give our leaders our confidence and our support to their cause.
FBI Computers and Wepons Missing
The FBI lost 160 laptop computers in less than four years, including at least 10 that contained highly sensitive classified information and one that held "personal identifying information on FBI personnel," according to a new report released today.
I don't know about you but to me this is rather disconcerting.
Friday, January 19, 2007
California Legislation to Outlaw Spanking Children Under 4
Child training from a biblical point of view requires spanking for purposes of correction (Prov. 13:24, Prov. 22:15, Prov. 23:13).
Assemblywoman Lieber represents the 22nd Assembly district, so if you live there please call in and express your opinion on this idea. Cities in her district include: Santa Clara, Mountain View, Santa Clara, San Jose, and Sunnyvale. Please be polite when calling in. Let your legislator know how you feel about this issue and ask her not to propose such legislation.
If you do not live in in Lieber's district you can still take action. Call your legislators and ask them to vote against this legislation if it ever comes up. You can find out who your legislators are here. Remember that your legislators represent YOU. They want to hear what you have to say. They know that each call or letter they get on a subject represents about 1,000 others who hold the same view so contact your legislator.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bush Faces Hard Road And Hard Work
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Somolia Flies To The Front Of World News
Times article here.
Washington Post story here.
New York Times story.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Schwarzenegger Calls For Universal Health Care - Socialized Medicine
The Governor isn't even considering whether such a move is the right thing to do or not. Apparently he doesn't believe in personal responsibility or personal rights.
The Washington Post also has published the story. According to the Post Schwarzenegger wants to get input from everyone.
"My solution is that everyone in California must have insurance," said Schwarzenegger, who was inaugurated to a second term on Friday after time in the hospital to repair a broken leg. "If you can't afford it, the state will help you buy it, but you must be insured."
"My proposal is a beginning," he said. "Everything will be on the table and I want to hear from everyone. If we have the will -- and I believe that we do -- we can heal our broken system."
The NY Times quoted him as saying:
''I don't think it is a question or a debate if they ought to be covered. ... The federal courts have made that decision -- that no one can be turned away,'' Schwarzenegger said. ''The question really isn't to treat them or not to treat them. The question really is how can you treat them in the most cost-effective way.''
Socialized Medicine Opposition
Child And Family Protection Association
California Family Council
Socialized Medicine (Blog)
California Political News and Views
Oil Theives in Belarus? Belarus Stealing Oil?
Do you drive a car? If you answer yes, then most likely you buy gasoline, the price of which is easily affected by a pipe closure such as this one.
The European Union has demanded that Russia restore the flow of oil through the pipeline.
It isn't exactly clear at this point whether Russia's claim is true or not. The move could be due to the tariff recently imposed on Russian oil by Belarus.
No matter what the cause we can expect to see oil prices here to go up.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Will Having Castro Out Of Power Ever Change The Way Cuba Is Run?
Foreign Affairs recently published an article pointing out how Cuba has not essentially changed since Castro turned over power to his brother. Does this indicate, in any respect, how Cuba will be operated when Castro is dead and gone (assuming that he isn't already)? I believe it does.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
With Respect: In Memory of President Gerald Ford
yet he did his duty
No one voted for him
but he held the nation together
After he left he did as he should
He gave his help when asked
He remained quiet otherwise
The world was not depressed with his ramblings
He shall never again breathe
But his legacy lives on
His life as an example
His character as a model
Much can we learn from such a man
Yet one question still ask we can
Where will he spend eternity?
All good done, all deeds that shine
Had he ever done a crime?
The bill does not actually specifically allow spanking of any kind. It does attack the traditional and biblical spanking with a switch, which actually is less likely to be a health hazard according to many people.
Just because the bill doesn't use the word "spank" doesn't mean that it does not affect spanking. This bill, while it does not actually mention the word "spank" effectively outlaws spanking.