Dr. Phil Kurzner says:
I need your help to challenge our self-imposed status quo by bringing common sense back to government. (Link)
I can't reconcile this statement about common sense with his plan to enforce a state mandated socialized health care plan for everyone in California. How is that common sense? How does promoting self-imposed socialism in our state bring common sense back to government? Read more of what he says and you'll see it doesn't seem to add up.
Here is Dr. Phil's Statement from this link.
Dr. Phil Kurzner for Insurance Commissioner
I need your help to challenge our self-imposed status quo by bringing common sense back to government. I will work day and night to ensure your rights are protected in the Insurance Commissioner’s office. I will work tirelessly to ensure that our state government does not over-regulate small business and kill jobs. I am totally committed to working with Governor Schwarzenegger to achieve stability for government finances without tax increases.
If you agree with the Republican Party leaders and prominent Californians who have encouraged me to be a candidate for this office, please join our effort. I appreciate your assistance in my campaign. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at 916-233-0077.
More Information:
Now reconcile that with these excerpts from his plan for mandated socialized medicine. To read the full text of his plan go to this Link.
1. Every Californian should have a catastrophic coverage plan. The best form is to have each person responsible for acquiring private health plan coverage. Parents are responsible to provide coverage for their children.
2. Whether purchased by the employer or the individual, the premiums and uncovered costs are 100% tax deductible. The poor and the working lower class will require partial or complete subsidies, on a sliding scale basis.
3. Health savings accounts can be used to pay the uncovered costs and co-pay requirements.
4. To protect lower income persons, a form of a health earned income tax credit can be provided (EITC), again on a proportionate basis. This effectively amounts to a transfer of public resources to the provision of health care. And let's be honest here. To provide basic coverage to the many folks who currently do not have it, costs will rise initially.
The final question is the most profound. How do we pay for all of this? The principle here is that since every person benefits, everyone MUST contribute something. The best source of financing is a consumption-based tax for health care. This has the advantage that everyone contributes and decreases the impact of the uninsured patients. Everyone in California pays in, to some degree, whether visiting, here legally or not. This is a sustainable basis for financing that is honest, simple and adheres to basic principles.
Pretty interesting?
Someone has put together this comprehensive website showing Phil Kurzner's socialistic plan while likening it to a similar plan put together by Hillary Clinton. Link With a guy like this in office in California Hillary could really get some things done.
Unless I'm really missing something, and I don't think I am, Phil Kerzner is not the man we need in office for insurance commissioner.
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