Can you call Sen. Feinstein? Tell her that, as a Californian, you want real health care reform to happen this year. Senator Dianne Feinstein ![]() Report your call |
This is our best chance in a generation for health care reform, and the need has never been greater.
So why did Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein go on TV Sunday and undermine President Obama's plans for health care reform?
She told CNN's John King: "Well to be candid with you, I don't know that he has the votes right now. I think there's a lot of concern in the Democratic caucus."1
As a senior Democrat, what Sen. Feinstein says holds weight, and her comment is being interpreted as a lack of full support for this year's health care reform efforts.
Democrats should be leading the charge to pass health care reform right now, not throwing cold water on the president's plan. Can you call Sen. Feinstein right away and let her know that, as a Californian, you want real health care reform this year?
Here's where to call:
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: 202-224-3841
After you call, click the link below and let us know how it went:
Her statement is a big deal: Political momentum could make or break health care reform this year. And one of the Republicans' key strategies in stopping reform is to say that it's too complicated, too hard, and will never happen.
So when a senior senator like Dianne Feinstein says on national TV that health care reform might not be possible—at a time when every other Democratic leader is saying we can't afford NOT to fix health care this year—it undercuts the whole effort.
It's crucial Sen. Feinstein hears loud and clear that a delay on reform is unacceptable, so we're also creating a new ad to run in California.
After you call, can you chip in $20 to help us get our ad on the air?
President Obama is calling for bold, real health care reform this year and the American people are demanding it. Let's make sure Sen. Feinstein is a leader in this effort.
Thanks for all you do.
–Patrick S., Justin, Kat, Nita and the rest of the team
1. "Obama May Lack Votes for Health-Care, Feinstein Says," Bloomberg News, June 21, 2009.
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