Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Feinstein Not Quite On Board With Nationalized Health Care Proposal

Feinstein not quite sure about nationalized healthcare plan. This email was recently sent out by MoveOn.Org to get people to attend protests in front of her California offices to get her to back Obama's health care agenda.

Can you call Sen. Feinstein? Tell her that, as a Californian, you want real health care reform to happen this year.

Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: 202-224-3841

Report your call

Dear MoveOn member,

This is our best chance in a generation for health care reform, and the need has never been greater.

So why did Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein go on TV Sunday and undermine President Obama's plans for health care reform?

She told CNN's John King: "Well to be candid with you, I don't know that he has the votes right now. I think there's a lot of concern in the Democratic caucus."1

As a senior Democrat, what Sen. Feinstein says holds weight, and her comment is being interpreted as a lack of full support for this year's health care reform efforts.

Democrats should be leading the charge to pass health care reform right now, not throwing cold water on the president's plan. Can you call Sen. Feinstein right away and let her know that, as a Californian, you want real health care reform this year?

Here's where to call:

Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: 202-224-3841

After you call, click the link below and let us know how it went:


Her statement is a big deal: Political momentum could make or break health care reform this year. And one of the Republicans' key strategies in stopping reform is to say that it's too complicated, too hard, and will never happen.

So when a senior senator like Dianne Feinstein says on national TV that health care reform might not be possible—at a time when every other Democratic leader is saying we can't afford NOT to fix health care this year—it undercuts the whole effort.

It's crucial Sen. Feinstein hears loud and clear that a delay on reform is unacceptable, so we're also creating a new ad to run in California.

After you call, can you chip in $20 to help us get our ad on the air?


President Obama is calling for bold, real health care reform this year and the American people are demanding it. Let's make sure Sen. Feinstein is a leader in this effort.

Thanks for all you do.

–Patrick S., Justin, Kat, Nita and the rest of the team


1. "Obama May Lack Votes for Health-Care, Feinstein Says," Bloomberg News, June 21, 2009.

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Time To Call Your Legislators On ObamaCare!

Its time to call your US Senators and member of the House of Representatives! Say no to government making your health care decisions. Say no to the government designing your insurance package. Say no to Big Brother administering your health care plan, service, treatment, doctors, and meds. Say no to obamacare!

Make 3 Quick Phone Calls: Two State Senators (even if you think they've already made up their minds) One member of the House of Representatives.

Click here to find contact info for your legislators: http://tinyurl.com/dgoqhk

Health Care Articles Resources

Heritage Foundation




North Bay Patriots


Sue Pierce Article on Old Glory Radio Blog


Child and Family Protection Association


Institute for Health Freedom


Citizens’ Council on Health Care


National Center for Policy Analysis


Conservatives for Patients’ Rights


A Government Healthcare Plan? You can’t be serious. By Matthew Council


HSLDA Alerts Citizens on Government Health Care Program

HSLDA Alerts Citizens on Government Health Care Program

Calls Needed to Congress About National Healthcare Bill

William A. Estrada, Esq.
Director of Federal Relations

July 21, 2009

Urgent calls are needed to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to oppose H.R. 3200, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.” Although this bill does not directly impact homeschool freedoms, it would significantly impact parental rights and early childhood education. For more information, read HSLDA’s legislative summary of H.R. 3200.

While this bill is being promoted as a way to reform health care and help Americans, it should be opposed because it would:


Health Care Article Makes You Think

Pressure on Rep Mike Thompson Over Govt Health Care - Tea Party Alert

Hold the Line Against Government Health Insurance

Susan Pierce A rebuttal to Times-Standard “Get in Line” letter to the editor dated 3/26/09

I was very pleased to learn that Mike Thompson is not a co-sponsor of HR 676, which would provide federal single-payer universal health insurance. Many Americans, many Californians, and many of Mike Thompson’s constituents want the government to stay out of our health care. We want to choose our own providers, treatments, and methods of health care. This is the best way to provide quality health care with patient and doctor directed options. Of course nothing is perfect, but moving to the single-payer system would be literally detrimental to our health.

HR 676, called the “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act,” promises to provide “all medically necessary care.” Don’t you wonder how the government will define “medically necessary?”


Federal Health Care Action Alert

Federal Health Care Action Alert

***** ***** ***** *****
From: Roy Hanson's Child and Family Protection Association

***** ***** ***** *****
Subject: Federal Health Care Legislation

We are forwarding on this Action Alert and we urge you to please call those indicated below. This affects all individuals and families. Additional resources on government healthcare can be found on our website:www.childandfamilyprotection.org .

Dear Friends,

Dangerous health care legislation is rapidly working its way through Congress. We need your help now to stop it.

H.R. 3200, and its U.S. Senate companion bill will:
Drive physicians out of the medical profession.
Encourage and facilitate health care rationing.
Set up a new government health care plan to "compete" with private insurance.
This new government plan (the 'public health insurance option') will be subsidized by the federal government, eventually driving private health insurance out of business. The Lewin Group estimates that 119 million Americans could lose their private insurance and end up in the new government plan if the legislation becomes law.

Liberal members and potentially a few moderates in Congress are trying to fast-track this national health care bill before you figure out what they're going to do to you and how bad it's going to be. Not only do these members plan to set up a "Health Choices Administration" (Orwellian doublespeak!!!), they plan to:
Force you to buy health insurance (a federal mandate means federal control).
Force you to buy insurance from a federal (tracking) bureau, a "national health insurance exchange."
Force you to buy only federally "qualified" health insurance.
Force your doctor to share your medical data with the government.
Force you to carry a federalized "machine-readable" ID card (national patient ID and tracking card).
Force you into socialized medicine and out of private treatment and insurance choices.
Force your doctor to work for the government, not you.
Force you to pay higher taxes to cover the cost of losing your freedom.
Here's what American health care will look like when the government runs it:


Act Now!

Call your two US Senators and your member of the House of Representatives.

The fast-tracking of this health care legislation is a blitzkrieg, meant to make you give up, give in, and go away. Don't accept their propaganda. Socialized medicine is not inevitable unless and until you give up. It is time to call everyone in Congress.

Tell them:
VOTE NO on H.R. 3200, and the Senate's Kennedy-Baucus bill (which has no number yet - see below), or any bill that includes:

NATIONAL PATIENT ID (machine-readable federal tracking) CARD

To Find Your Representative and two Senators in Congress - Click Here


SENATE: Max Baucus: bipartisan heath care deal close, Politico, July 16, 5:56 p.m. EDT. Rumor has it the the Baucus and Kennedy bills will merge after the Baucus bill emerges. Then the Senate Kennedy-Baucus bill will get a bill number.

HOUSE: The 1,018 page House bill, H.R. 3200, was being 'marked up' (amended) last week. Congressman Ron Paul reminds citizens inYahoo! Finance that health care is not a right.

REMEMBER: If health care is ever declared a "right", government will decide what that "right" looks like, and it will be a promise of coverage, not a guarantee of care.

Let me encourage you to contact any and every member of Congress that you can!

In Freedom,

Twila Brase
Citizens' Council on Health Care


Citizens' Council on Health Care, a national health care policy organization located in St. Paul, Minnesota, supports freedom for patients and doctors, medical
innovation, and the right to a confidential patient-doctor relationship.


Citizens' Council on Health Care
1954 University Ave. W., Ste. 8
Saint Paul, MN 55104

***** ***** ***** *****
Roy Hanson's HELP Tree
Child and Family Protection Association
1000 Sunrise Ave, Ste 9B #418
Roseville, CA 95661
Fax: (916) 415-9470

***** ***** ***** *****
The purpose of this communication is to present information and express our position on the issue(s) addressed. We encourage you to research this for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Regardless of your position, we strongly urge you to exercise your constitutional right to express your position to your elected representatives. We have included an example of how we have expressed our position.
***** ***** ***** *****
DISCLAIMER: This is considered a private and confidential message to HELP Tree Members only. We are not responsible for the accuracy of copies printed, forwarded, or sent by any party other than directly from Child and Family Protection Association.
***** ***** ***** *****

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What can we do about the push for government mandated and controlled healthcare?

What can we do about the push for government mandated and controlled healthcare?

Learn: There are great materials currently available and sent out periodically. There are a number of national organizations who do research on this issue and analyze the federal legislation. Some have emails you can subscribe to. Here are a few:




Share: Explain the issue to others you know who don't understand why government healthcare is a bad idea. Pass on the information that you find helpful to others so that they can learn and take action as well. You can also write letters to the editor to your local newspaper. This can be extremely effective as many people will see your arguments and may also consider the dangers.

Notify: Tell your legislators that you don't support this push to place healthcare under the control of the government. Write or call your legislators and encourage others to do the same. Ask them to support H.R. 2629 the "Coercion is Not Health Care Act" and to oppose any legislation that would mandate health insurance in any way. If they area already in agreement with you, thank them. If not, ask them to please consider changing their position.

To find contact information for your representatives visit:



Amazing chart that shows a breakdown of the health care plan proposed by the House Democrats.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Should Prop 98 Funding Be Suspended?

"The powerful California Teachers Association launched an offensive Monday against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal to suspend the Proposition 98 school-funding measure to help bridge this year's budget gap."

Schwarzenegger is known for talking about legislators from both sides of the aisle refusing to come out of their ideological corners. One would think that with the growing problems in California coming from the government's budget problems (IOUs, furloughs, etc...) people would begin to rethink what the priorities really should be. But no! Instead, they are not only going further into those corners, they are digging in and setting up their mortars to lay into the other side.

If the people of California don't have enough money to buy their kids food, they aren't going to pay for gas to take them to school. If they can't afford gas they aren't going to be driving on the roads so infrastructure becomes a moot point. Already eating out has taken a nose dive because of the economy as has going on long trips in cars and on planes. I'm not saying that schools and roads don't matter... All I'm saying is that if we keep going in the direction we are going right now, we are going to wish that we had cut them sooner, before we were forced to.

The legislators aren't the only ones who need to get a grip. The people who are on the receiving end of welfare are going to have to realize the state doesn't have endless resources. We need to help each other and stop relying on the government to bail us out. Personal responsibility needs to experience a comeback if we expect to come out of this mess we're in.

More and higher taxes aren't the answer. People have already started to flee the state because of the high cost of living compared to other states. The legislature needs to start at square one. Cut welfare (70% of the general fund is spent on welfare). Deregulate business and let entrepreneurship thrive once again. Lower the taxes on individuals and on businesses. Cut taxes cut welfare. Ignore the special interest groups who are asking for handouts.

Sprint sells Netbook for a buck

Off topic a lot, I know, but it has a connection... In today's economy, I wonder how many people are going to switch from using their home desktop to using a net book (small laptop) supported by their wireless provider. Already a majority of American homes have gone wireless. According to the Wall Street Journal "the number of U.S. households opting for only cellphones outnumber those that just have traditional landlines in a high-tech shift accelerated by the recession." See their story of May 7th, 2009 More Cellphone Users Drop Landlines Entirely
I cut the wire on my land line just over a month ago but still use the wires for my DSL internet connection. The biggest change? Fewer telemarketers.