Friday, January 19, 2007

California Legislation to Outlaw Spanking Children Under 4

Here is an important news item that came up yesterday. Sally Lieber (D- Mountain View) is crafting a bill in California that would make it against the law to spank any child under the age of 4. Governor Schwarzenegger has expressed his interest in supporting such a measure saying that he never has spanked his children. Many people think that it should be illegal to spank children as a means of teaching or training.

Child training from a biblical point of view requires spanking for purposes of correction (Prov. 13:24, Prov. 22:15, Prov. 23:13).

Assemblywoman Lieber represents the 22nd Assembly district, so if you live there please call in and express your opinion on this idea. Cities in her district include: Santa Clara, Mountain View, Santa Clara, San Jose, and Sunnyvale. Please be polite when calling in. Let your legislator know how you feel about this issue and ask her not to propose such legislation.

If you do not live in in Lieber's district you can still take action. Call your legislators and ask them to vote against this legislation if it ever comes up. You can find out who your legislators are here. Remember that your legislators represent YOU. They want to hear what you have to say. They know that each call or letter they get on a subject represents about 1,000 others who hold the same view so contact your legislator.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bush Faces Hard Road And Hard Work

President Bush faces a long road of hard work as have many presidents before him. I pray that he will have the strength and the faith in God that he will need to press on.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Somolia Flies To The Front Of World News

From the midst of big news on several fronts the presence of the US in Somolia is making big headlines. Other news stories today include California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger pushing his plan for Universal Health Care in Sacramento, Apple Inc. announcing the iPhone and TV Networking console in San Francisco,

Times article here.

Washington Post story here.

New York Times story.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Schwarzenegger Calls For Universal Health Care - Socialized Medicine

The news is getting around and has been published by the New York Times that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is pushing Socialized Medicine in California. He isn't the only one either. There are several bills presently seeking to introduce government controlled healthcare in California.

The Governor isn't even considering whether such a move is the right thing to do or not. Apparently he doesn't believe in personal responsibility or personal rights.

The Washington Post also has published the story. According to the Post Schwarzenegger wants to get input from everyone.

"My solution is that everyone in California must have insurance," said Schwarzenegger, who was inaugurated to a second term on Friday after time in the hospital to repair a broken leg. "If you can't afford it, the state will help you buy it, but you must be insured."

"My proposal is a beginning," he said. "Everything will be on the table and I want to hear from everyone. If we have the will -- and I believe that we do -- we can heal our broken system."

The NY Times quoted him as saying:

''I don't think it is a question or a debate if they ought to be covered. ... The federal courts have made that decision -- that no one can be turned away,'' Schwarzenegger said. ''The question really isn't to treat them or not to treat them. The question really is how can you treat them in the most cost-effective way.''

Socialized Medicine Opposition

There are many individuals and groups who oppose the socialization of health care in California. Since it seems they get so little press I thought I would some of them together in one place.

Child And Family Protection Association

California Family Council

Socialized Medicine (Blog)

California Political News and Views

Oil Theives in Belarus? Belarus Stealing Oil?

Russia closed off an oil pipeline which brought oil from Russia to several European countries claiming that their neighbor Belarus was stealing oil. What impact will this have on us here in California?

Do you drive a car? If you answer yes, then most likely you buy gasoline, the price of which is easily affected by a pipe closure such as this one.

The European Union has demanded that Russia restore the flow of oil through the pipeline.

It isn't exactly clear at this point whether Russia's claim is true or not. The move could be due to the tariff recently imposed on Russian oil by Belarus.

No matter what the cause we can expect to see oil prices here to go up.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Will Having Castro Out Of Power Ever Change The Way Cuba Is Run?

Fidel Castro has been an enemy ever since he took power in Cuba. His dictatorship has never been a friend to the free world and so many have hoped that when he dies, things will look better for democracy in Cuba.

Foreign Affairs recently published an article pointing out how Cuba has not essentially changed since Castro turned over power to his brother. Does this indicate, in any respect, how Cuba will be operated when Castro is dead and gone (assuming that he isn't already)? I believe it does.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

With Respect: In Memory of President Gerald Ford

No one wanted him
yet he did his duty
No one voted for him
but he held the nation together

After he left he did as he should
He gave his help when asked
He remained quiet otherwise
The world was not depressed with his ramblings

He shall never again breathe
But his legacy lives on
His life as an example
His character as a model

Much can we learn from such a man
Yet one question still ask we can

Where will he spend eternity?

All good done, all deeds that shine
Had he ever done a crime?